Mana ayurvedam GANDHA KACHURA POWDER is 100% pure natural high-quality powder that works wonders on hair. It acts as a deep cleanser, stimulates hair growth, promotes healthy hair and scalp. It reduces itchy dry and flaky scalp. Antiseptic properties in Gandha kachura help in curing scalp infections. This powder has skin lightening properties too, and it can be used on the skin.
- Lightens skin tone and gives a healthy glow
- Heals scalp infections
- Reduces itchiness
- Improves hair texture
- Acts as a deep body and hair cleanser
- It helps to prevent split ends, brittles, and dry hair
- Stimulates hair growth
Gandha Kachuralu
- For face: Mix Mana ayurvedam Gandha Kachura powder with rose water or normal water, apply it on the face for 20 minutes, and then wash it off with cold water. For best results, use it regularly
- For skin: Mix equal amount of Mana ayurvedam Gandha Kachura Powder, Bakuchi Seed Powder, Amla Powder, Manjistha Root Powder, Vetiver Root Powder, Neem Leaf Powder, Sandalwood Powder, Rose Flower Powder all together with normal water to make a paste and apply all over the body, for whole-body whitening. For better results replace this with bath soaps and facewash
- For hair: Add an adequate amount of Gandha Kachura Powder in coconut oil. Heat the oil and apply the warm oil to the scalp and hair. Rinse off with herbal shampoo after one hour of application